Wednesday, October 06, 2021


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This is my first-year high school class of 1964/1965. Last Saturday, one of these teenagers hosted a high school reunion celebration in his residence at 50 Yorkville Avenue. If one were to look roughly northwest from the top of that building, they might see something like this:

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I have marked the De La Salle college location in yellow. This Apple maps representation is ~2018 because construction on the townhouses (just west of Del's fussball pitch) on Avenue Road is in its starting phase. Additionally, there are now townhouses to the south of the field on Oaklands Avenue. The city of Toronto did a detailed heritage property background report in 2015. Here's a closer bird's-eye view:

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There is a worthwhile article on De La Salle, written in 1980 by William Stephenson, called All Things Right & Dutiful. Somewhat surprisingly for such fare, it contains a paragraph on the once-upon-a-time corporal punishment meted out to some of the students.

I was unfortunately unable to attend this 52nd anniversary (counting from our graduating year) get-together. Many of my reasons noted here were of course tongue-in-cheek.

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