Saturday, July 30, 2016

Point of entry

We have a totally fenced yard at the back and sides of the house. To be more accurate, a monster shed on the adjacent property at the back of the yard takes the place of a fence. The front fencing on the (gravel) driveway side accommodates a gate that can be swivelled to allow vehicles into the yard. It is this gate that is being compromised.

For a number of years now some creature has been creating a summer underpass here to allow entry into (and presumably exit from) the yard. I have a shovel nearby to refill the hole and have come to place some small concrete chunks on the yard side of the gate to give the visitor a nasty surprise half-way through its dig. Sometimes a new underpass is generated to one side of the concrete but more generally the creature gives up.

I had always thought the offender was a skunk but some weeks ago Bodie and I were surprised — in broad daylight — by a rat running through the yard, only to disappear (after it was surprised by us) under that back shed!

Friday, July 29, 2016


Not too far from our home, this car-crash situation stopped Weston Road traffic both ways for hours. Not seen in the photo are two additional cars to the left, one of which seems to have sustained significant damage. It is difficult for me to imagine a scenario that would flip a car just so but there it is. Notice a woman's shoe sitting on the undercarriage. I haven't found a hint of this event in the media!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Farmers' market

The long-running Weston farmers' market has moved a little closer to my home this year because of impending construction at the old (parking lot) site. I rarely go but decided to accompany Catherine (green hat, far left, below) back on the 16th. It's much smaller than the old site and — in terms of local produce or decent deals — a little disappointing.