Saturday, January 25, 2014

Divide by the sum of the base-7 digits

Consider a number divided by the sum of its base-7 digits. If it goes evenly, repeat the procedure with the quotient. Continue thus until either the quotient arrived at is not evenly divisible by the sum of its base-7 digits, or the number 1 is reached.

There are only a finite number of positive integers that reach 1, the largest being

written in base ten, or

written in base seven.

This number takes 2046 steps to reach 1. I have plotted the count of positive integers (out of a total 693633 available) that take n steps (from n = 0 to n = 2046) to get to 1 in a graph. The smaller, darker-blue plot at the bottom-left is the count of positive integers (out of a total 15095 available) that take n steps (from n = 0 to n = 440) to get to 1 in the base-10 version of the procedure.

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