Sunday, July 08, 2018


This is what (10^10002-1)/9-10^2872 looks like:


A zero (I've made it bold to make it easier to spot) is sandwiched between 7129 ones to the left and 2872 ones to the right. A number composed only of ones is called a repunit, so this would be a near-repunit.

The number is prime of course but that's not what makes it special. It would be relatively easy to come up with other near-repdigit primes of this (or even much larger) size. What makes it special is that no other distinct permutation of its digits is prime.

Think of it this way: Consider the repunit composed of 10002 ones. There are 10002 different integers where one of the ones is replaced with a zero. When the initial one is replaced with a zero, that zero disappears and the integer becomes a repunit composed of 10001 ones. Every other substitution (having the zero in a different place) maintains the 10002-digit length. We test all 10002 thus-permuted integers for primality (which may take a while) and discover that they are all composite except for one, i.e. the provided example.

There is a sequence of such primes (A039986) in the OEIS and I'm currently trying to extend the number of its known initial terms.

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